Monday, June 15, 2015

Love for Others :)

Hola Familia!! 
I cant believe another week has come and gone! It seems like this week was so short!! We had our last zone conference with President and Sister Wagner on Wednesday and it was so sad to know it was our last conference with them :( I really appreciate them and all they have done for me and all I have been able to learn from them so I will really miss them! The conference was really great! We talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon and how it is that through the Book of Mormon we truly can gain such a strong testimony! It was a really great conference! Also, Sister Wagner talked to us about the family and the importance of being sealed to our families and it was really a super spiritual conference! Our new president will get here on June 29th! And I hope that i will stay here in San Blas for the next transfers because President and Sister Wagner will be here in a conference on June 28! So hopefully I will be here and be able to see them again! but also this week we found some great new investigators! One of our investigators is Sol. She is 10 and lives with her aunt and her grandma and they are members and Sol has decided that she as well wants to be baptized. She is really awesome she even said the closing prayer in sacrament meeting yesterday (: it was cool! We had a branch movie night on Friday and watched the Saratov approach.. It was weird watching it as a missionary but it was also really cool because I could understand it a lot more how the missionaries really do pray for their enemies and the people who had taken them hostage and it is something that is just so crazy but so amazing to me. As missionaries we truly are blessed with this love for each and every person we meet. I have had so many experiences when people reject us or ignore us and I just always feel the need to just pray for them to feel the love God has for them and its something that I have really seen here that I cant even explain it really but as a missionary I havce learned to really just love everyone no matter what it is that they say or do and as we come to love those around us we can feel the love God has for us in such amazing ways. This week I have felt extremely blessed to be here and to have the love and support from you guys back home! I am glad to hear you are all doing well and that you are enjoying summer! I hope you guys have another great week! I love you all sooo much! 
Love always,
Hermana Searle 

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