Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Excited for Christmas :)

Hola Familia! 
I cant believe we are only 4 days away from Christmas! I am getting so excited to talk to you guys! This week was pretty interesting to say the least. haha. We had splits with our sister training leader and her companion and I was with hermana Martinez in her area and it was really fun! She is such a good missionary and is super fun and happy so we had a good time! The rest of the week we really struggled in finding our investigators. Everyone is on vacation and not in there houses so we have done a lot of walking and not finding anyone but I am trying to just stay positive haha. I love being a missionary and I love this time of year. Christmas is such a great time and the people that we do find are all so willing to listen because they as well can feel the Christmas spirit! I was really grateful for Brother Rodriguez for calling mav! It was super crazy knowing that he was on the phone with Mav and that I couldnt talk to him, haha but It really meant a lot to me that he called you guys! And that he just did it. We were just finishing the lunch and he asked if he could have the number to talk to our families and he asked if I could translate for him and I told him Mav speaks Spanish so he called him! The families here are awesome! They really care about us so much and are so loving! They also are so thankful for you guys as well! That is something I love! Everyone here is constantly praying for our families and it is awesome! I am getting so so excited for Thursday and I cant wait to "see" you guys! This week for us is going to be crazy haha and I am pretty sure we are going to eat like 20 meals a day! haha tonight we have a dinner appointment, tomorrow we will be in Tepic with President Wagner, Hermana Wagner, and other missionaries. Wednesday is when the people here celebrate Christmas so we have lunch at 2, a big dinner at 8, my companion is going to talk to her family. Then Thursday morning we have a breakfast appointment with a family in the ward, our district class and we are eating lunch with a family that is from California Thursday afternoon and they are going to make ham and turkey and everything! haha then friday we have splits again so it is going to be a crazy busy week and hopefully somewhere inbetween all of our appointments we can find time to teach people! haha but I love you guys so much and hope you all have an amazing week! Ill see you guys on Thursday!!(:
Love always,
Hermana Searle  

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